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Flooded Lead Acid
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Flooded Lead Acid

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1) Flooded Lead Acid has been the norm. In this category there is a new and improved version that uses nano carbon applied to the lead plates to prevent sulfation and provides 80% of the rated capacity for our use. With an auto watering system they are mostly maintenance free.

  • a) Sulfation is the formation and build up of lead sulfate crystals on the surface of the active material of the batteries lead plates when it is left unattended or uncharged.

  • b) Batteries used in an Off-Grid Homestead tends to be used or cycled enough to prevent this condition. There are four charge states for a lead acid battery.  Bulk is about 80% of the charge, Absorption is the last 20% of the charge, Float holds battery voltage stable and Equalization is used to desulfate the lead plates and balance cells with each other should this be needed. This happens automatically within the solar charge controller. We set the parameters and the system handles it from there.

The flooded lead acid battery can be ordered from the following company, with free shipping in Michigan and no core charge for $160 per 6 volt battery. 8 batteries are needed for a 48 volt system, 16 are recommended for 22 kWh at $2,560.
421 E. Elm Street
Lansing, MI 48912
