Coconut Oil, Expeller Pressed RBD, Certified Organic, 1 gallon
Coconut Oil, Expeller Pressed RBD, Certified Organic, 1 gallon

Coconut Oil, Expeller Pressed RBD, Certified Organic, 1 gallon


 USDA CertOur Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil is USDA Certified
Organic by ICS (International Certification Services).

U Kosher

 This product has been inspected by Earth Kosher,
a kosher certifying agency in the United States.

Shipping Weight: 9.00 pounds

SKU: COEP1 Category:


Wilderness Family Naturals offers a high quality Ultra-Clean, Supreme, Certified Organic Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil as an economical choice for cooking. This oil is mechanically expressed without the use of solvents or chemicals of any kind. It is an excellent quality food-grade coconut oil that is NOT hydrogenated and contains NO trans fatty acids. This Ultra-Clean, Supreme Expeller-Pressed Coconut oil has a neutral flavor yet contains the same medium-chain fatty acids as virgin coconut oil.

Although this Certified Organic Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil is less expensive than virgin coconut oil, you will not find it lacking in quality or standards. Among certified organic expeller pressed coconut oils there are none that are cleaner, clearer, or of higher quality anywhere in the world. This oil, until discovered by Wilderness Family Naturals, was only marketed to expensive, high-end restaurants and bakeries in Europe. For use in making flakey pastries, crusts and baked goods this oil supersedes all other oils.

How is it Made? The organic coconuts are opened and quickly dried. These dried coconuts are then mechanically pressed to remove the oil. No chemical solvents are used at any time during the process. Any free fatty acids in the oil are removed. The oil is run through diatomaceous earth and then steam distilled. This yields a very pure, uncontaminated coconut oil which is commonly sold as expeller pressed coconut oil in the Philippines. However, our oil then travels to the Netherlands for further purification. Where it is filtered and cleaned further. The resulting clear, delicious oil is the créme de la créme of expeller pressed coconut oil. It is now the envy of chefs and bakers all over the world. Wilderness Family Naturals’ customers and staff have fallen in love with it. Warning: Once you use this expeller-pressed coconut oil you will never be happy with any other brand, ever again. This oil stands above all competition in every aspect.

Wilderness Family Naturals Ultra-Clean, Supreme, Certified Organic Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil melts at 76° F, is very light and creamy smooth, containing the same medium chain fatty acids as virgin coconut oil. People in Southeast Asian countries, such as the Philippines, use this type of oil as their main cooking oil.

The major differences between this expeller pressed coconut oil and our virgin coconut oils are:

  • This Expeller Pressed Coconut oil has experienced heat during processing (it is not raw)

  • It has been “cleaned” so there is no coconut taste or smell (it is ultra pure and very smooth)

  • It is slightly less expensive

Wilderness Family Naturals’ Certified Organic Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil is an excellent economical choice for cooking, baking, sautéing and frying. A real “Two Thumbs Up” for everybody!


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